“I Must Learn English”

English Empowerment Center Uncategorized

How many times a day do you read in English without thinking about it? While you’re driving? When you write a check? When you order at a restaurant? For many of us, reading and using English is second nature, and is an essential part of navigating the day-to-day of the world around us. However, LCNV’s learners don’t take English for granted. LCNV’s classes are designed for the beginning-level learner: someone who may not be able to read ingredients at the grocery store, or who may struggle to follow street signs as they walk to a new place. LCNV learner Orfan tells his story of learning English below. If you know someone like Orfan, tell them to visit LCNV’s website or call 703-237-0866 to find an English class near them in 2019.

“I live in the USA so I must learn English language to speak with American people and recognize everything around me like shopping centers, banks, traffic signs, restaurants and government buildings. Also, I need to learn English to get a better job and to communicate with new people. My children’s problems in school need me to speak English with their teachers. So learning English in the USA gives me a new wide field of life and makes it easier to meet all my life needs.”