“English helps me to travel throughout the world.”

English Empowerment Center Uncategorized

LCNV’s Distance Learning programs are up and running with tremendous success, and we will extend our current semester from April 23 to June 30 at no additional cost. We are working tirelessly to provide English literacy instruction during this unconventional time. We understand the difficulties and eagerness of our learners, and we want to support them in realizing their hopes and …

Tao: “Maybe I will get a promotion soon at work!”

English Empowerment Center Uncategorized

What changes can English bring to your life? Last year, over 81% of LCNV learners have achieved two or more goals. Among all the students, 881 students entered or retained employment, and 1,072 improved their employability skills. Tao is one of them. He wrote about his experience: “I got a job [at] Walmart. I am very happy day after day. …

“I wish I had a beautiful day like cherry blossoms every day!”

English Empowerment Center Uncategorized

Language truly opens doors for everyone; it is one of the first thing we learn as children and it develops with us. Moving to a new home where you don’t have a strong grasp of the language is one of the most difficult things a person can have to go through. To know what you want to say but not how to communicate it …

By Taking Classes at LCNV, Phuong Improved her English

English Empowerment Center Uncategorized

Phuong is dedicated to learn English, as she knows that English proficiency is the backbone of realizing her dreams, and the first step establishing a life of self-sustainability and independence here in the US: “I’m Phuong. I live in Lorton and learn English [with LCNV] at the [Lorton Senior] Center. I’m going to learn English because I want to talk …